Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jacking Adults' Food

I firmly believe that all children possess Food Radar. They know for a fact that whatever you are eating has to be better than what they are eating, and they will resort to bribery, violence, and tears in order to get it. Whatever is on your plate has to be more appetizing than what is on their plate, even if it is the exact. same. thing. Heaven help you if you make something different for yourself. They'll want some. Unless they are picky eaters and it is Healthy Food. In that case they'll just go right ahead and demand chicken nuggets or fish sticks. Go ahead, just try to hide that chocolate bar. They will know it is there. That wrapper crinkles, and their little ears perk up and they zone in with the accuracy of heat-seeking missiles. "What is that? Is that candy? I want some!" If they are denied candy, then you will pay my friend. Maybe not right away, maybe not that day, but some day. They will have their revenge.